Dear patient,
The primary goal at the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology is the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases of the nervous system. We provide high quality patient care by a specialized team of medical doctors, neurologists, medical assistants and MS study nurses.

We advise and care for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), neuromyelitis optica spectrum disease (NMOSD), antibody associated autoimmune encephalitis (AE), myasthenia gravis, and other inflammatory autoimmune diseases at the highest clinical and scientific level. In addition, our outpatient clinic specializes in the treatment and care of patients with autoinflammatory syndromes (familial Mediterranean fever (e.g. FMF, TRAPS, CAPS) with manifestation of the central nervous system symptoms and/or concomitant MS. Patients may be treated interdisciplinary with rheumatologists and dermatologists.
We provide individual counselling for best-tailored treatment by taking medical and non-medical factors into account.
Our Aim
In a translational approach, physicians and scientists work together to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with neuroimmunological diseases and to understand the mechanisms of their development. This allows patients to benefit quickly from new developments in diagnostics and therapy, and creates an ideal environment for research projects aimed at improving patient care in the long run. To enable this translational research based on clinical routine data, we will inform you immediately upon admission about the "Broad Consent" (= a general consent) introduced within the framework of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. As part of your treatment, we will collect patient data from you and possibly also obtain biomaterials, e.g. by blood sampling. These patient data and biomaterials can be of considerable value for medical research.
Reasons to visit us
Who can visit us?
Patients with neuroimmunological diseases (MS, NMOSD, AE, etc.)
What can we offer?
We would like to see you for diagnosis, verification of the diagnosis and therapy consultation. We will set you up for a therapy and, if desired, you can continue treatment with us. In cooperation with the department of Neurology (Prof. Dr. M. Dieterich), we may admit you to the hospital (LMU Klinikum) for more elaborated diagnostic procedures and/or intensive treatment such as plasmapheresis. We advise you on symptomatic therapy and work closely with other departments (e.g. pain outpatient clinic).
What do you need to consider in advance to prepare for the appointment?
You need a referral from a specialist in neurology. If you already know that you are referred for a cerebrospinal fluid examination (lumbar puncture), then you need a partial inpatient referral form.
Please bring copies of all relevant documents (current doctor's letter, findings of the MRI examinations) and the MRI images on CD. This will help us to better understand the course of your disease and avoid redundant examinations. If you do not have these documents, please ask your attending doctors (e.g. neurologist or general practitioner) to obtain them in advance. Without this information we cannot give you comprehensive advice. Please come to the neuroimmunological outpatient clinic at least 30 minutes before your appointment (signage: "Neuroimmunology 2", level 0, cube IK).
Which special consultation hours can you choose?
1. General consultation hours:
We are happy to see you for diagnosis, review of the diagnosis and therapy consultation.
Appointment Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30h - 15:00h
2. Private consultation (Prof. Dr. T. Kümpfel):
We are happy to discuss diagnosis, verification of the diagnosis and therapy advice.
Date Wednesday 9:00h - 14:00h.
Special consultations
Dr. I. Meinl and Prof. Dr. T. Kümpfel
Individual consultation and planning for patients who wish to have children before, during and after a pregnancy, especially with regard to the use of medication.
Date Friday 9:00h - 13:00h
Dr. M. Schlüter and Prof. Dr. T. Kümpfel
Second opinion after your visit to the rheumatologist for diagnosis review, differential diagnosis and therapy initiation in patients with neurological manifestations of autoinflammatory syndromes (TRAPS, CAPS, FMF).
Date first Tuesday of the month 9:00h - 13:00h
Dr. H. Pellkofer, outpatient clinic
Dates: by arrangement
PD Dr. J. Havla
Neuroimmunological and neurological diseases can affect the retina. From an evolutionary point of view, the retina is part of the brain. Therefore, optical coherence tomography (OCT) is particularly suitable for the quantification and analysis of measurable inflammation and neurodegeneration of the CNS. The consequence can be a change in visual function. We are happy to provide support in the diagnosis and treatment of visual disorders in neurological diseases using our neurovisual test battery
Dates: by arrangement.
Appointments / Contact
Institute for Clinical Neuroimmunology
General consultation Phone: +49 (0) 89 4400 - 74435
Private Consultation Phone: +49 (0) 89 4400 - 74781 (Margit Josel)
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Marchioninistr. 15
81377 Munich
How to get there
You will find the Neuroimmunological Outpatient Clinic itself on level 0 at Würfel IK
By car:
Institute for Clinical NeuroimmunologyLMU Hospital
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Marchioninistr. 15
81377 Munich
By public transport:
Stop at Klinikum Großhadern (U6)