Research Focus and Aims
We are interested in the clinical disease course, therapy and prognostic factors of neuroimmunological diseases mainly multiple sclerosis (MS), neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD), myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody associated disorders (MOGAD), autoimmune encephalitis and autoinflammatory diseases. Focus of our research is a deeper understanding of mechanisms of action of new therapies and theirs effects on the disease course. Integrating data from basic research and clinical phenotyping in a bed-to-bench-approach and vice versa may help to develop individualised treatment strategies for our patients.
Our Approach
We run a large outpatient clinic and monitor and follow our patients in detail by using comprehensive datasets including elaborated clinical data sets, imaging data, and bio-samples. We investigate the long-term effects of drugs given to patients, monitor biological responses as well as side effects of therapies. Since 10 years we run a biobank and stored systematically more than 5000 thousand bio-samples including peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), serum, plasma, DNA, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as well as stool specimens for specific research questions. Our ultimate goal is to optimize individual patient care and implement prognostic markers for treatment decisions aiming at benefits of patients.
Some current projects:
Multiple Sclerosis
Clinical care and research in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) is a hallmark of our outpatient clinic. Detailed assessment of our patients with long-term monitoring of the disease course as well as efficacy and side effects of therapies are important components of our clinical research. We use neuroimaging tools (MRI, OCT and PET studies) and develop novel outcome parameters in order to use them as prognostic markers in early MS and progressive MS. Progressive forms of MS are of particular interest since treatment options are insufficient for those patients. Thus, we take part in international therapy trials for progressive forms of MS and also in an observational study of progressive MS in Germany (Explorative study of emerging blood biomarkers in progressive multiple sclerosis, EmBioproMS) which is supported by the DMSG. Clinical research on progressive MS supplements basic science by collection of biomaterial for the identification and development of new neuroprotective and neuroregenerative therapies. In addition, we participate in national registries, national and international clinical MS trials as well as in the medical informatics initiative Germany (data Integration for Future Medicine = DIFUTURE). DIFUTURE allows us to use clinical data of MS patients for research in depth taking a high level of data security into account.
Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) and more recently also myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody (abs) associated disorders (MOGAD) is now recognized as distinct autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Since aquaporin-4 (AQP4) was identified as the relevant target antigen of NMO-IgG (AQP4-abs) a huge progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment of NMOSD. During the past years MOG-abs have been identified in a significant proportion of patients who are AQP4-abs negative and are now separated and considered as MOGAD. Although both disorders clearly differ pathophysiologically from each other and from MS, they show a broad overlap considering the clinical phenotypes. Since NMOSD and MOGAD are rare disease, we collect systematically clinical data of patients, observe long-term outcomes including side effects of therapies and collect biomaterial of patients. Besides deep clinical phenotyping of both diseases, the role of AQP4- and MOG-abs and their loss during disease is a research focus at our group in strong collaboration with the Meinl lab. In addition we investigate clinical and radiological characteristics in pain syndromes associated with myelitis in NMOSD and MOGAD patients. We are an important part of a Germany-wide network of NMOSD and MOGAD researchers which was initiated in 2008 the Neuromyelitis Optica Study group (NEMOS).
Autoimmune encephalitis
Autoantibodies are detected in several forms of autoimmune encephalitis (AE) and have increasingly been identified during the past decade. They are directed against neuronal surface antigens or against intracellular proteins. Clinical presentations range from acute to subacute encephalopathy with neurological and psychiatric symptoms to acute life threatening conditions. Due to the rare occurrence of AE, no approved therapies exist and it is important to collect data from patients with AE within networks. Thus, we participate in the GENERATE (GErman NEtwork for Research on AuToimmune Encephalitis) registry and collect clinical data and biomaterial from these patients in order to identify prognostic factors, define long-term outcomes and improve treatment strategies. We are also particularly interested in GAD-antibody-associated neurological disorders. Here, we aim to understand mechanisms of dysregulated immune responses in the periphery as well as in the central nervous system in order to develop more effective and specific therapeutic approaches (see also Thaler lab).
Autoinflammatory diseases with CNS manifestations
Autoinflammatory disorders are rare genetic diseases associated with dysregulation of innate immunity. An excessive secretion of proinflammatory mediators such as interleukin-1 leads to symptoms such as fever, abdominal-, joint-, or muscle pain and skin rashes; however, central nervous system (CNS) manifestations including meningoencephalitis, cranial nerve dysfunction and headache syndromes can occur in severe cases. The three most common disease entities are familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS) and TNF-receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS). All of them have been observed by us in the context of multiple sclerosis (MS). We aim to better characterize patients with neurological manifestations of autoinflammatory disorders both clinically and biochemically in order to facilitate early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
COVID-19 in neuroimmunological disease
We are actively responding to the current global pandemic by investigating the clinical disease course of COVID-19 and immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in patients with neuroimmunological conditions. Herewith, we explore the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2-antibodies in our patient population and the impact of different immunotherapies on the latter. B-cell mediated immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 are investigated in further detail in collaboration with Meinl lab.
Selected Publications by the Kümpfel Lab (2010 – 2021)
Ringelstein M, Ayzenberg I, Lindenblatt G, Fischer K, Gahlen A, Novi G, Hayward-Könnecke H, Schippling S, Rommer PS, Kornek B, Zrzavy T, Biotti D, Ciron J, Audoin B, Berthele A, Giglhuber K, Zephir H, Kümpfel T, Berger R, Röther J, Häußler V, Stellmann JP, Whittam D, Jacob A, Kraemer M, Gueguen A, Deschamps R, Bayas A, Hümmert MW, Trebst C, Haarmann A, Jarius S, Wildemann B, Grothe M, Siebert N, Ruprecht K, Paul F, Collongues N, Marignier R, Levy M, Karenfort M, Deppe M, Albrecht P, Hellwig K, Gold R, Hartung HP, Meuth SG, Kleiter I, Aktas O; Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). Interleukin-6 Receptor Blockade in Treatment-Refractory MOG-IgG-Associated Disease and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2021 Nov 16;9(1):e1100.
Graf J, Leussink VI, Soncin G, Lepka K, Meinl I, Kümpfel T, Meuth SG, Hartung HP, Havla J, Aktas O, Albrecht P. Relapse-independent multiple sclerosis progression under natalizumab. Brain Commun. 2021 Oct 9;3(4):fcab229.
Dürr M, Nissen G, Sühs KW, Schwenkenbecher P, Geis C, Ringelstein M, Hartung HP, Friese MA, Kaufmann M, Malter MP, Madlener M, Thaler FS, Kümpfel T, Senel M, Häusler MG, Schneider H, Bergh FT, Kellinghaus C, Zettl UK, Wandinger KP, Melzer N, Gross CC, Lange P, Dreyhaupt J, Tumani H, Leypoldt F, Lewerenz J; German Network for Research on Autoimmune Encephalitis. CSF Findings in Acute NMDAR and LGI1 Antibody-Associated Autoimmune Encephalitis. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2021 Oct 25;8(6):e1086.
Eisenhut K, Buchka S, Eichhorn P, Meier H, Albashiti F, Mansmann U, Schlüter M, Havla J, Kümpfel T. SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence in a large neuroimmunological patient cohort. J Neurol. 2021 Oct 5:1–5.
Thaler FS, Zimmermann L, Kammermeier S, Strippel C, Ringelstein M, Kraft A, Sühs KW, Wickel J, Geis C, Markewitz R, Urbanek C, Sommer C, Doppler K, Penner L, Lewerenz J, Rößling R, Finke C, Prüss H, Melzer N, Wandinger KP, Leypoldt F, Kümpfel T; German Network for Research on Autoimmune Encephalitis (GENERATE). Rituximab Treatment and Long-term Outcome of Patients With Autoimmune Encephalitis: Real-world Evidence From the GENERATE Registry. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2021 Oct 1;8(6):e1088.
Wicklein R, Wauschkuhn J, Giglhuber K, Kümpfel T, Hemmer B, Havla J, Knier B. Association of peripapillary hyper-reflective ovoid masslike structures and disease duration in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Eur J Neurol. 2021 Dec;28(12).
Schlüter M, Oswald E, Winklmeier S, Meinl I, Havla J, Eichhorn P, Meinl E, Kümpfel T. Effects of Natalizumab Therapy on Intrathecal Immunoglobulin G Production Indicate Targeting of Plasmablasts. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2021 Jul 1;8(5):e1030.
Mortazavi M, Hizarci Ö, Gerdes LA, Havla J, Kümpfel T, Hohlfeld R, Stöcklein S, Keeser D, Ertl-Wagner B. Multiple sclerosis and subclinical neuropathology in healthy individuals with familial risk: A scoping review of MRI studies. Neuroimage Clin. 2021;31:102734.
Schanda K, Peschl P, Lerch M, Seebacher B, Mindorf S, Ritter N, Probst M, Hegen H, Di Pauli F, Wendel EM, Lechner C, Baumann M, Mariotto S, Ferrari S, Saiz A, Farrell M, Leite MIS, Irani SR, Palace J, Lutterotti A, Kümpfel T, Vukusic S, Marignier R, Waters P, Rostasy K, Berger T, Probst C, Höftberger R, Reindl M. Differential Binding of Autoantibodies to MOG Isoforms in Inflammatory Demyelinating Diseases. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2021 Jun 15;8(5):e1027.
Havla J, Schultz Y, Zimmermann H, Hohlfeld R, Danek A, Kümpfel T. First manifestation of multiple sclerosis after immunization with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. J Neurol. 2021 Jun 11:1–4.
Ayzenberg I, Richter D, Henke E, Asseyer S, Paul F, Trebst C, Hümmert MW, Havla J, Kümpfel T, Ringelstein M, Aktas O, Wildemann B, Jarius S, Häußler V, Stellmann JP, Senel M, Klotz L, Pellkofer HL, Weber MS, Pawlitzki M, Rommer PS, Berthele A, Wernecke KD, Hellwig K, Gold R, Kleiter I; NEMOS (Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group). Pain, Depression, and Quality of Life in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Study of 166 AQP4 Antibody-Seropositive Patients. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2021 Apr 20;8(3):e985.
Hiltensperger M, Beltrán E, Kant R, Tyystjärvi S, Lepennetier G, Domínguez Moreno H, Bauer IJ, Grassmann S, Jarosch S, Schober K, Buchholz VR, Kenet S, Gasperi C, Öllinger R, Rad R, Muschaweckh A, Sie C, Aly L, Knier B, Garg G, Afzali AM, Gerdes LA, Kümpfel T, Franzenburg S, Kawakami N, Hemmer B, Busch DH, Misgeld T, Dornmair K, Korn T. Skin and gut imprinted helper T cell subsets exhibit distinct functional phenotypes in central nervous system autoimmunity. Nat Immunol. 2021 Jul;22(7):880-892.
Havla J, Pakeerathan T, Schwake C, Bennett JL, Kleiter I, Felipe-Rucián A, Joachim SC, Lotz-Havla AS, Kümpfel T, Krumbholz M, Wendel EM, Reindl M, Thiels C, Lücke T, Hellwig K, Gold R, Rostasy K, Ayzenberg I. Age-dependent favorable visual recovery despite significant retinal atrophy in pediatric MOGAD: how much retina do you really need to see well? J Neuroinflammation. 2021 May 29;18(1):121.
Pellkofer HL, Kümpfel T. Schmerzen bei multipler Sklerose und Neuromyelitis-optica-Spektrum-Erkrankungen [Pain in multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders]. Schmerz. 2021 Jun;35(3):211-222.
Mahler C, Schumacher AM, Unterrainer M, Kaiser L, Höllbacher T, Lindner S, Havla J, Ertl-Wagner B, Patzig M, Seelos K, Neitzel J, Mäurer M, Krumbholz M, Metz I, Brück W, Stadelmann C, Merkler D, Gass A, Milenkovic V, Bartenstein P, Albert NL, Kümpfel T, Kerschensteiner M. TSPO PET imaging of natalizumab-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Brain. 2021 Oct 22;144(9):2683-2695.
Macrini C, Gerhards R, Winklmeier S, Bergmann L, Mader S, Spadaro M, Vural A, Smolle M, Hohlfeld R, Kümpfel T, Lichtenthaler SF, Franquelim HG, Jenne D, Meinl E. Features of MOG required for recognition by patients with MOG antibody-associated disorders. Brain. 2021 Sep 4;144(8):2375-2389.
Brändle SM, Cerina M, Weber S, Held K, Menke AF, Alcalá C, Gebert D, Herrmann AM, Pellkofer H, Gerdes LA, Bittner S, Leypoldt F, Teegen B, Komorowski L, Kümpfel T, Hohlfeld R, Meuth SG, Casanova B, Melzer N, Beltrán E, Dornmair K. Cross-reactivity of a pathogenic autoantibody to a tumor antigen in GABAA receptor encephalitis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Mar 2;118(9):e1916337118.
Ostkamp P, Salmen A, Pignolet B, Görlich D, Andlauer TFM, Schulte-Mecklenbeck A, Gonzalez-Escamilla G, Bucciarelli F, Gennero I, Breuer J, Antony G, Schneider-Hohendorf T, Mykicki N, Bayas A, Then Bergh F, Bittner S, Hartung HP, Friese MA, Linker RA, Luessi F, Lehmann-Horn K, Mühlau M, Paul F, Stangel M, Tackenberg B, Tumani H, Warnke C, Weber F, Wildemann B, Zettl UK, Ziemann U, Müller-Myhsok B, Kümpfel T, Klotz L, Meuth SG, Zipp F, Hemmer B, Hohlfeld R, Brassat D, Gold R, Gross CC, Lukas C, Groppa S, Loser K, Wiendl H, Schwab N; German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS) and the BIONAT Network. Sunlight exposure exerts immunomodulatory effects to reduce multiple sclerosis severity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Jan 5;118(1):e2018457118.
Kümpfel T, Thiel S, Meinl I, Ciplea AI, Bayas A, Hoffmann F, Hofstadt-van Oy U, Hoshi M, Kluge J, Ringelstein M, Aktas O, Stoppe M, Walter A, Weber MS, Ayzenberg I, Hellwig K. Anti-CD20 therapies and pregnancy in neuroimmunologic disorders: A cohort study from Germany. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020 Dec 17;8(1):e913.
Thaler FS, Zimmermann L, Kammermeier S, Strippel C, Ringelstein M, Kraft A, Sühs K-W,Wickel J, Geis C, Markewitz R, Urbanek C, Sommer C, Doppler K, Penner L, Lewerenz J, Rößling R, Finke C, Prüss H, Melzer N, Wandinger K-P, Leypoldt F, Kümpfel T. Rituximab treatment and long-term outcome of patients with autoimmune encephalitis: real-world evidence from the GENERATE registry. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2021 Oct 1;8(6):e1088.
Mulazzani E, Zolyniak N, Noe E, Mulazzani M, Azad SC, Kümpfel T, Kraft E. Clinical and psychological phenomenology of pain in autoinflammatory diseases. BMC Rheumatol. 2020 Dec 18;4(1):71.
Liu J, Mori M, Zimmermann H, Brandt A, Havla J, Tanaka S, Sugimoto K, Oji S, Uzawa A, Asseyer S, Cooper G, Jarius S, Bellmann-Strobl J, Ruprecht K, Siebert N, Masuda H, Uchida T, Ohtani R, Nomura K, Meinl E, Kuempfel T, Paul F, Kuwabara S. Anti-MOG antibody-associated disorders: differences in clinical profiles and prognosis in Japan and Germany. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020 Nov 20:jnnp-2020-324422.
Völk S, Unterrainer M, Albert NL, Havla J, Gerdes LA, Schumacher M, Brendel M, Kaiser L, Adorjan K, Rupprecht R, Bartenstein P, Kümpfel T, Danek A. TSPO PET With 18F-GE-180 to Differentiate Variants of Multiple Sclerosis: Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis, Tumefactive Demyelination, and Baló's Concentric Sclerosis. Clin Nucl Med. 2020 Oct;45(10):e447-e448.
Jarius S, Pellkofer H, Siebert N, Korporal-Kuhnke M, Hümmert MW, Ringelstein M, Rommer PS, Ayzenberg I, Ruprecht K, Klotz L, Asgari N, Zrzavy T, Höftberger R, Tobia R, Buttmann M, Fechner K, Schanda K, Weber M, Asseyer S, Haas J, Lechner C, Kleiter I, Aktas O, Trebst C, Rostasy K, Reindl M, Kümpfel T, Paul F, Wildemann B; in cooperation with the Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). Cerebrospinal fluid findings in patients with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibodies. Part 1: Results from 163 lumbar punctures in 100 adult patients. J Neuroinflammation. 2020 Sep 3;17(1):261.
Abrahamyan S, Eberspächer B, Hoshi MM, Aly L, Luessi F, Groppa S, Klotz L, Meuth SG, Schroeder C, Grüter T, Tackenberg B, Paul F, Then-Bergh F, Kümpfel T, Weber F, Stangel M, Bayas A, Wildemann B, Heesen C, Zettl U, Warnke C, Antony G, Hessler N, Wiendl H, Bittner S, Hemmer B, Gold R, Salmen A, Ruprecht K; German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS); Other members of the KKNMS that acted as collaborators in this study. Complete Epstein-Barr virus seropositivity in a large cohort of patients with early multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020 Jul;91(7):681-686.
Gasperi C, Salmen A, Antony G, Bayas A, Heesen C, Kümpfel T, Linker RA, Paul F, Stangel M, Tackenberg B, Bergh FT, Warnke C, Weber F, Wiendl H, Wildemann B, Zettl UK, Ziemann U, Zipp F, Tumani H, Gold R, Hemmer B; German Competence Network of Multiple Sclerosis. Association of Intrathecal Immunoglobulin G Synthesis With Disability Worsening in Multiple Sclerosis. JAMA Neurol. 2019 Jul 1;76(7):841-849.
Mulazzani E, Wagner D, Havla J, Schlüter M, Meinl I, Gerdes LA, Kümpfel T. Neurological phenotypes in patients with NLRP3-, MEFV-, and TNFRSF1A low-penetrance variants. J Neuroinflammation. 2020 Jun 20;17(1):196.
Mader S, Kümpfel T, Meinl E. Novel insights into pathophysiology and therapeutic possibilities reveal further differences between AQP4-IgG- and MOG-IgG-associated diseases. Curr Opin Neurol. 2020 Jun;33(3):362-371.
Abdelhak A, Huss A, Stahmann A, Senel M, Krumbholz M, Kowarik MC, Havla J, Kümpfel T, Kleiter I, Wüstinger I, Zettl UK, Schwartz M, Roesler R, Friede T, Ludolph AC, Ziemann U, Tumani H. Explorative study of emerging blood biomarkers in progressive multiple sclerosis (EmBioProMS): Design of a prospective observational multicentre pilot study. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2020 May 19;18:100574.
Thaler FS, Bangol B, Biljecki M, Havla J, Schumacher AM, Kümpfel T. Possible link of genetic variants to autoimmunity in GAD-antibody-associated neurological disorders. J Neurol Sci. 2020 Jun 15;413:116860.
D'Souza M, Papadopoulou A, Levy M, Jacob A, Yeaman MR, Kümpfel T, Marignier R, Paul F, Brandt AU. Diagnostic procedures in suspected attacks in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders: Results of an international survey. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2020 Jun;41:102027.
Heitmann H, Haller B, Tiemann L, Mühlau M, Berthele A, Tölle TR, Salmen A, Ambrosius B, Bayas A, Asseyer S, Hartung HP, Heesen C, Stangel M, Wildemann B, Haars S, Groppa S, Luessi F, Kümpfel T, Nischwitz S, Meuth SG, Klotz L, Linker RA, Zettl UK, Ziemann U, Tumani H, Tackenberg B, Zipp F, Wiendl H, Gold R, Hemmer B, Ploner M. Longitudinal prevalence and determinants of pain in multiple sclerosis: results from the German National Multiple Sclerosis Cohort study. Pain. 2020 Apr;161(4):787-796.
Huber JE, Chang Y, Meinl I, Kümpfel T, Meinl E, Baumjohann D. Fingolimod Profoundly Reduces Frequencies and Alters Subset Composition of Circulating T Follicular Helper Cells in Multiple Sclerosis Patients. J Immunol. 2020 Mar 1;204(5):1101-1110.
Ringelstein M, Harmel J, Zimmermann H, Brandt AU, Paul F, Haarmann A, Buttmann M, Hümmert MW, Trebst C, Schroeder C, Ayzenberg I, Kleiter I, Hellwig K, Havla J, Kümpfel T, Jarius S, Wildemann B, Rommer P, Weber MS, Pellkofer H, Röpke L, Geis C, Retzlaff N, Zettl U, Deppe M, Klotz L, Young K, Stellmann JP, Kaste M, Kermer P, Marouf W, Lauda F, Tumani H, Graf J, Klistorner A, Hartung HP, Aktas O, Albrecht P; Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). Longitudinal optic neuritis-unrelated visual evoked potential changes in NMO spectrum disorders. Neurology. 2020 Jan 28;94(4):e407-e418.
Winklmeier S, Schlüter M, Spadaro M, Thaler FS, Vural A, Gerhards R, Macrini C, Mader S, Kurne A, Inan B, Karabudak R, Özbay FG, Esendagli G, Hohlfeld R, Kümpfel T, Meinl E. Identification of circulating MOG-specific B cells in patients with MOG antibodies. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2019 Oct 14;6(6):625.
Oertel FC, Outteryck O, Knier B, Zimmermann H, Borisow N, Bellmann-Strobl J, Blaschek A, Jarius S, Reindl M, Ruprecht K, Meinl E, Hohlfeld R, Paul F, Brandt AU, Kümpfel T, Havla J. Optical coherence tomography in myelin-oligodendrocyte-glycoprotein antibody-seropositive patients: a longitudinal study. J Neuroinflammation. 2019 Jul 25;16(1):154.
Gasperi C, Salmen A, Antony G, Bayas A, Heesen C, Kümpfel T, Linker RA, Paul F, Stangel M, Tackenberg B, Bergh FT, Warnke C, Weber F, Wiendl H, Wildemann B, Zettl UK, Ziemann U, Zipp F, Tumani H, Gold R, Hemmer B; German Competence Network of Multiple Sclerosis. Association of Intrathecal Immunoglobulin G Synthesis With Disability Worsening in Multiple Sclerosis. JAMA Neurol. 2019 Jul 1;76(7):841-849.
Schuh E, Groß CJ, Wagner D, Schlüter M, Groß O, Kümpfel T. MCC950 blocks enhanced interleukin-1β production in patients with NLRP3 low penetrance variants. Clin Immunol. 2019 Jun;203:45-52.
Graetz C, Gröger A, Luessi F, Salmen A, Zöller D, Schultz J, Siller N, Fleischer V, Bellenberg B, Berthele A, Biberacher V, Havla J, Hecker M, Hohlfeld R, Infante-Duarte C, Kirschke JS, Kümpfel T, Linker R, Paul F, Pfeuffer S, Sämann P, Toenges G, Weber F, Zettl UK, Jahn-Eimermacher A, Antony G, Groppa S, Wiendl H, Hemmer B, Mühlau M, Lukas C, Gold R, Lill CM, Zipp F. Association of smoking but not HLA-DRB1*15:01, APOE or body mass index with brain atrophy in early multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2019 Apr;25(5):661-668.
Thaler FS, Thaller AL, Biljecki M, Schuh E, Winklmeier S, Mahler CF, Gerhards R, Völk S, Schnorfeil F, Subklewe M, Hohlfeld R, Kümpfel T, Meinl E. Abundant glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)-reactive B cells in gad-antibody-associated neurological disorders. Ann Neurol. 2019 Mar;85(3):448-454.
Johnen A, Bürkner PC, Landmeyer NC, Ambrosius B, Calabrese P, Motte J, Hessler N, Antony G, König IR, Klotz L, Hoshi MM, Aly L, Groppa S, Luessi F, Paul F, Tackenberg B, Bergh FT, Kümpfel T, Tumani H, Stangel M, Weber F, Bayas A, Wildemann B, Heesen C, Zettl UK, Zipp F, Hemmer B, Meuth SG, Gold R, Wiendl H, Salmen A; German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS). Can we predict cognitive decline after initial diagnosis of multiple sclerosis? Results from the German National early MS cohort (KKNMS). J Neurol. 2019 Feb;266(2):386-397.
Oertel FC*, Havla J*, Roca-Fernández A, Lizak N, Zimmermann H, Motamedi S, Borisow N, White OB, Bellmann-Strobl J, Albrecht P, Ruprecht K, Jarius S, Palace J, Leite MI, Kuempfel T, Paul F, Brandt AU. Retinal ganglion cell loss in neuromyelitis optica: a longitudinal study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2018 Dec;89(12):1259-1265. (*joint first-authors)
Mahler C, Unterrainer M, Muth C, Egensperger R, Vomacka L, Lindner S, Ertl-Wagner B, Patzig M, Bartenstein P, Albert N, Kerschensteiner M, Kümpfel T. Imaging microglial activation in tacrolimus-associated CNS vasculitis with translocator protein PET. Neurology. 2018 Nov 13;91(20):936-937.
Trebst C, Kümpfel T. Neuroimmunologie und Rheumatologie: Schnittmengen und Differenzialdiagnosen [Neuroimmunology and rheumatology: overlap and differential diagnoses]. Nervenarzt. 2018 Oct;89(10):1095-1105. German.
Kleiter I, Gahlen A, Borisow N, Fischer K, Wernecke KD, Hellwig K, Pache F, Ruprecht K, Havla J, Kümpfel T, Aktas O, Hartung HP, Ringelstein M, Geis C, Kleinschnitz C, Berthele A, Hemmer B, Angstwurm K, Stellmann JP, Schuster S, Stangel M, Lauda F, Tumani H, Mayer C, Krumbholz M, Zeltner L, Ziemann U, Linker R, Schwab M, Marziniak M, Then Bergh F, Hofstadt-van Oy U, Neuhaus O, Zettl UK, Faiss J, Wildemann B, Paul F, Jarius S, Trebst C; NEMOS (Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group). Apheresis therapies for NMOSD attacks: A retrospective study of 207 therapeutic interventions. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2018 Sep 26;5(6):e504.
Spadaro M, Winklmeier S, Beltrán E, Macrini C, Höftberger R, Schuh E, Thaler FS, Gerdes LA, Laurent S, Gerhards R, Brändle S, Dornmair K, Breithaupt C, Krumbholz M, Moser M, Krishnamoorthy G, Kamp F, Jenne D, Hohlfeld R, Kümpfel T, Lassmann H, Kawakami N, Meinl E. Pathogenicity of human antibodies against myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein. Ann Neurol. 2018 Aug;84(2):315-328.
Unterrainer M, Mahler C, Vomacka L, Lindner S, Havla J, Brendel M, Böning G, Ertl-Wagner B, Kümpfel T, Milenkovic VM, Rupprecht R, Kerschensteiner M, Bartenstein P, Albert NL. TSPO PET with [18F]GE-180 sensitively detects focal neuroinflammation in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2018 Jul;45(8):1423-1431.
Trillsch F, Eichhorn P, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Kuempfel T, Burges A, Mahner S, Havla J. No need for NMDA receptor antibody screening in neurologically asymptomatic patients with ovarian teratomas. J Neurol. 2018 Feb;265(2):431-432.
Meinl I, Havla J, Hohlfeld R, Kümpfel T. Recurrence of disease activity during pregnancy after cessation of fingolimod in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2018 Jun;24(7):991-994.
Hoffmann F, Kraft A, Heigl F, Mauch E, Koehler J, Harms L, Kümpfel T, Köhler W, Ehrlich S, Bayas A, Weinmann-Menke J, Beuker C, Henn KH, Ayzenberg I, Ellrichmann G, Hellwig K, Klingel R, Fassbender CM, Fritz H, Slowinski T, Weihprecht H, Brand M, Stiegler T, Galle J, Schimrigk S. Tryptophan immunoadsorption during pregnancy and breastfeeding in patients with acute relapse of multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica. Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2018 May 28;11:1756286418774973.
Jarius S, Paul F, Aktas O, Asgari N, Dale RC, de Seze J, Franciotta D, Fujihara K, Jacob A, Kim HJ, Kleiter I, Kümpfel T, Levy M, Palace J, Ruprecht K, Saiz A, Trebst C, Weinshenker BG, Wildemann B. MOG encephalomyelitis: international recommendations on diagnosis and antibody testing. J Neuroinflammation. 2018 May 3;15(1):134.
Oviedo-Salcedo T, de Witte L, Kümpfel T, Kahn RS, Falkai P, Eichhorn P, Luykx J, Hasan A. Absence of cerebrospinal fluid antineuronal antibodies in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Br J Psychiatry. 2018 May;212(5):318-320. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2018.24. Epub 2018 Mar 28. Erratum in: Br J Psychiatry. 2018 Sep;213(3):561.
Mueller SH, Färber A, Prüss H, Melzer N, Golombeck KS, Kümpfel T, Thaler F, Elisak M, Lewerenz J, Kaufmann M, Sühs KW, Ringelstein M, Kellinghaus C, Bien CG, Kraft A, Zettl UK, Ehrlich S, Handreka R, Rostásy K, Then Bergh F, Faiss JH, Lieb W, Franke A, Kuhlenbäumer G, Wandinger KP, Leypoldt F; German Network for Research on Autoimmune Encephalitis (GENERATE). Genetic predisposition in anti-LGI1 and anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. Ann Neurol. 2018 Apr;83(4):863-869.
Blaschek A, V Kries R, Lohse P, Huss K, Vill K, Belohradsky BH, Heinen F, Müller-Felber W, Kümpfel T. TNFRSF1A and MEFV mutations in childhood onset multiple sclerosis. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2018 Jan;22(1):72-81.
Vomacka L, Albert NL, Lindner S, Unterrainer M, Mahler C, Brendel M, Ermoschkin L, Gosewisch A, Brunegraf A, Buckley C, Kümpfel T, Rupprecht R, Ziegler S, Kerschensteiner M, Bartenstein P, Böning G. TSPO imaging using the novel PET ligand [18F]GE-180: quantification approaches in patients with multiple sclerosis. EJNMMI Res. 2017 Oct 26;7(1):89.
Stellmann JP, Krumbholz M, Friede T, Gahlen A, Borisow N, Fischer K, Hellwig K, Pache F, Ruprecht K, Havla J, Kümpfel T, Aktas O, Hartung HP, Ringelstein M, Geis C, Kleinschnitz C, Berthele A, Hemmer B, Angstwurm K, Young KL, Schuster S, Stangel M, Lauda F, Tumani H, Mayer C, Zeltner L, Ziemann U, Linker RA, Schwab M, Marziniak M, Then Bergh F, Hofstadt-van Oy U, Neuhaus O, Zettl U, Faiss J, Wildemann B, Paul F, Jarius S, Trebst C, Kleiter I; NEMOS (Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group). Immunotherapies in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: efficacy and predictors of response. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017 Aug;88(8):639-647.
Hohlfeld R, Havla J, Kümpfel T. Patient-to-patient transmission of natalizumab-associated PML? Mult Scler. 2017 Oct;23(11):1564-1565.
Hartl C, Obermeier V, Gerdes LA, Brügel M, von Kries R, Kümpfel T. Seasonal variations of 25-OH vitamin D serum levels are associated with clinical disease activity in multiple sclerosis patients. J Neurol Sci. 2017 Apr 15;375:160-164.
Havla J, Kümpfel T, Schinner R, Spadaro M, Schuh E, Meinl E, Hohlfeld R, Outteryck O. Myelin-oligodendrocyte-glycoprotein (MOG) autoantibodies as potential markers of severe optic neuritis and subclinical retinal axonal degeneration. J Neurol. 2017 Jan;264(1):139-151.
Schöberl F, Csanadi E, Eren O, Dieterich M, Kümpfel T. NMOSD triggered by yellow fever vaccination - An unusual clinical presentation with segmental painful erythema. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2017 Jan;11:43-44
Spadaro M, Gerdes LA, Krumbholz M, Ertl-Wagner B, Thaler FS, Schuh E, Metz I, Blaschek A, Dick A, Brück W, Hohlfeld R, Meinl E, Kümpfel T. Autoantibodies to MOG in a distinct subgroup of adult multiple sclerosis. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2016 Jun 30;3(5):e257.
Schuh E, Berer K, Mulazzani M, Feil K, Meinl I, Lahm H, Krane M, Lange R, Pfannes K, Subklewe M, Gürkov R, Bradl M, Hohlfeld R, Kümpfel T, Meinl E, Krumbholz M. Features of Human CD3+CD20+ T Cells. J Immunol. 2016 Aug 15;197(4):1111-7.
Kümpfel T, Gerdes LA, Heck C, Prüss H. Delayed diagnosis of extraovarianteratoma in relapsing anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2016 Jun 3(4):e250.eCollection 2016 Aug.
Schankin CJ, Kästele F, Gerdes LA, Winkler T, Csanadi E, Högen T, Pellkofer H, Paulus W, Kümpfel T, Straube A. New-Onset Headache in Patients With Autoimmune Encephalitis Is Associated With anti-NMDA-Receptor Antibodies. Headache. 2016 Jun;56(6):995-1003.
Höhne C, Schuh E, Kümpfel T, Straube A. Cryopyrin-associated periodic fever syndrome manifesting as Tolosa-Hunt syndrome. Cephalalgia. 2016 Dec;36(14):1392-1396
Kleiter I, Gahlen A, Borisow N, Fischer K, Wernecke KD, Wegner B, Hellwig K, Pache F, Ruprecht K, Havla J, Krumbholz M, Kümpfel T, Aktas O, Hartung HP, Ringelstein M, Geis C, Kleinschnitz C, Berthele A, Hemmer B, Angstwurm K, Stellmann JP, Schuster S, Stangel M, Lauda F, Tumani H, Mayer C, Zeltner L, Ziemann U, Linker R, Schwab M, Marziniak M, Then Bergh F, Hofstadt-van Oy U, Neuhaus O, Winkelmann A, Marouf W, Faiss J, Wildemann B, Paul F, Jarius S, Trebst C; Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group. Neuromyelitis optica: Evaluation of 871 attacks and 1,153 treatment courses. Ann Neurol. 2016 Feb;79(2):206-16.
Kuhle J, Hardmeier M, Disanto G, Gugleta K, Ecsedi M, Lienert C, Amato MP, Baum K, Buttmann M, Bayas A, Brassat D, Brochet B, Confavreux C, Edan G, Färkkilä M, Fredrikson S, Frontoni M, D'Hooghe M, Hutchinson M, De Keyser J, Kieseier BC, Kümpfel T, Rio J, Polman C, Roullet E, Stolz C, Vass K, Wandinger KP, Kappos L; European Long-term Follow-up Study Group in Interferon β-1b in Secondary-progressive Multiple Sclerosis. A 10-year follow-up of the European multicenter trial of interferon β-1b in secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2016 Apr;22(4):533-43.
2011 – 2015
Schuh E, Lohse P, Ertl-Wagner B, Witt M, Krumbholz M, Frankenberger M, Gerdes, LA, Hohlfeld R, Kümpfel T. Expanding spectrum of neurologic manifestations in patients with NLRP3 low-penetrance mutations. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm.2015 May 14;2(4):e109
Krumbholz M, Hofstadt-van Oy U, Angstwurm K, Kleiter I, Jarius S, Paul F, Aktas O, Buchholz G, Kern P, Straube A, Kümpfel T. Very late-onset neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder beyond the age of 75. J Neurol. 2015 May;262(5):1379-84.
Spadaro M, Gerdes LA, Mayer MC, Ertl-Wagner B, Laurent S, Krumbholz M, Breithaupt C, Högen T, Straube A, Giese A, Hohlfeld R, Lassmann H, Meinl E, Kümpfel T. Histopathology and clinical course of MOG-antibody-associated encephalomyelitis. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2015 Mar;2(3):295-301.
Warnke C, Stettner M, Lehmensiek V, Dehmel T, Mausberg AK, von Geldern G, Gold R, Kümpfel T, Hohlfeld R, Mäurer M, Stangel M, Straeten V, Limmroth V, Weber T, Kleinschnitz C, Wattjes MP, Svenningsson A, Olsson T, Hartung HP, Hermsen D, Tumani H, Adams O, Kieseier BC. Natalizumab exerts a suppressive effect on surrogates of B cell function in blood and CSF. Mult Scler. 2015 Jul;21(8):1036-44.
Schuh E, Ertl-Wagner B, Lohse P, Wolf W, Mann JF, Lee-Kirsch MA, Hohlfeld R, Kümpfel T. Multiple sclerosis-like lesions and type I interferon signature in a patient with RVCL. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2014 Dec 23;2(1):e55.
Kümpfel T, Schwan M, Weber F, Holsboer F, Trenkwalder C, Then Bergh F. Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis activity evolves differentially in untreated versus treated multiple sclerosis. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Jul;45:87-95
Kümpfel T, Gerdes LA, Wacker T, Blaschek A, Havla J, Krumbholz M, Pöllmann W, Feneberg W, Hohlfeld R, Lohse P. Familial Mediterranean fever-associated mutation pyrin E148Q as a potential risk factor for multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2012 Sep;18(9):1229-38
Kümpfel T, Hohlfeld R. Multiple sclerosis. TNFRSF1A, TRAPS and multiple sclerosis. Nat Rev Neurol. 2009 Oct;5(10):528-9
Kümpfel T, Hoffmann LA, Pellkofer H, Pöllmann W, Feneberg W, Hohlfeld R, Lohse P. Multiple sclerosis and the TNFRSF1A R92Q mutation: clinical characteristics of 21 cases. Neurology. 2008 Nov 25;71(22):1812-20

Tania Kümpfel, Principal Investigator
Read more about the PI on the next tab.

Lisa Ann Gerdes (Gerdes Lab).
As a clinical neuroimmunologist my focus is on the care and treatment of people with multiple sclerosis. Furthermore, I take care of patients presenting with a broad range of autoimmune diseases of the CNS (MOGAD; NMOSD; Myasthenia) as well as systemic autoinflammatory periodic syndromes (AUIS) and as an experienced investigator I participate in a number of clinical phase II-III trials that evaluate novel MS therapies. In my own junior research group I am focussing on the MS TWIN STUDY, which counts up to date 85 monozygotic twin pairs with discordance for MS (see Gerdes Lab).

Joachim Havla (Havla Lab)
I enjoy being a neurologist and senior physician at the Institute for Clinical Neuroimmunolog, which provides me with the opportunity to live university medicine every day - in patient care, science and teaching. Clinical and translational research plays a very important role and therefore I am actively involved in large disease registries as well as cohort studies and participate in multi-center analyses, especially for rare diseases. In addition, I am responsible for the Use Case (UC) Multiple Sclerosis at the LMU Klinikum [Medical Informatics Initiative (MII]; and thus shape the future of university medicine together with medical informatics and data scientists (DIFUTURE). In my own junior research group I focus on the quantitative analysis of retinal pathology in my @NeuroVisionLab (see Havla Lab).
Hannah Pellkofer
After my studies in human medicine at the LMU Munich I started as a resident of neurology at the LMU Klinikum in 2003 and at the clinic of psychiatry at the university hospital of the Georg August University Göttingen in 2011. In 2013 I got licensed as a consultant neurologist and worked at the department of neurology at the university hospital in Göttingen. Since I came back to the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology in 2017 I am involved in the care of neuroimmunological patients, especially multiple sclerosis, NMOSD and myasthenic syndroms. My scientific work focuses on long term therapeutic concepts in NMOSD patients with special interest in immunotherapies, prognostic marker of disease activity and characteristics of central neuropathic pain in autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, I am part of the Neuromyelitis optica study group (NEMOS) which aims in combining patients with NMOSD in a common registry and coordinating multicentric projects.

Miriam Schlüter
After completion of my studies in human medicine at LMU Munich, I started as a resident of neurology at the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology in 2016. Since 2017, I am working on my PhD in medical life sciences and technology. My research focus is the role of the inflammasome in patients with autoinflammatory syndromes. Apart from my work in the laboratory, I am involved in the care of patients with autoinflammatory syndromes and manifestations in the central nervous system in the outpatient clinic.

Ingrid Meinl
Since 2006 I work as a phycician in the outpatient clinic at the institute of clinical neuroimmunology. I am involved in clinical studies monitoring the treatment of patients with MS, NMOSD and related diseases. A special focus is pregnancy and family planning in patients with neuroimmunological diseases.

Andrea Flierl-Hecht
After my studies in human medicine at the university of Freiburg and at the LMU Munich I started as a resident of neurology at the university of Erlangen-Nürnberg. In addition to my neurology training I spezialized in epileptology in the group of Prof. H. Stefan and took care of pharmacoresistant epilepsy patients, performed preoperative diagnostics as well as conducted clinical trials. I presented my research at national and international congresses. Since 2005 I got licensed as a consultant neurologist. After I moved to the south of Bavaria I worked at the epilepsy unit at the university hospital of Ulm. In 2017, I was glad to join and support the MS Twin Study with a research interest in cognition in the MS Twin Study. In addition I am supporting the clinical team in the outpatient clinic and I’m involved in several clinical trials at the institute of clinical neuroimmunology.

Katharina Eisenhut
Since I started my residency at the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology in 01/2020 I have been involved in research revolving around the GENERATE registry (GErman NEtwork for Research on AuToimmune Encephalitis) with a particular focus on GAD-antibody-associated diseases. Further, I am interested in the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 through a neuroimmunological perspective

Franziska Thaler
As a clinician scientist I am both involved in the care of neuroimmunological patients as well as in performing translational research projects. My scientific work focuses on the B-cell-response in neuroimmunological disorders especially in autoimmune encephalitis (AE). Here, I am particularly interested in neurological disorders associated with antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). Our aim is to understand the immunopathogenesis of these disorders in order to develop more effective and more specific treatment strategies. Furthermore, I am part of the German Network for the Research on Autoimmune Encephalitis (GENERATE) which aims in combining patients with AE in a common registry and coordinating multicentric projects. Additionally I am member of the Hertie Network of Excellence in Clinical Neuroscience connecting researchers involved in neuroscience throughout Germany.

Eva Oswald, Physician Assistant
I wrote my Bachelor's thesis at the institute of clinical neuroimmunology, regarding the effects of natalizumab on immunoglobulin levels in the CSF and serum. Subsequent to my Bachelor's degree, I started working at the institute’s outpatient clinic. As a physician assistant, I am a link between nurses and physicians. I am currently involved in several national and international clinical studies and support clinical research on effects of immunotherapies in MS patients.

Sabine Lüngen, study nurse
In 1985 I started my education and work as a nurse in the hospital at the LMU Klinikum. I worked at various surgical and one neurological inpatient clinics. Since 2004 I joined the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology and work as a study nurse and study coordinator since then. I participated at several investigator meetings and perform regular GCP trainings. I am responsible for several national and international studies and take care oft he patient‘s well-being in the outpatient clinic. In addition I’m responsible for the biobank at the institute.

Angelika Bamberger
I ‘m working in the Clinical Neuroimunology Outpatient Clinic as a medical assistant since May 2009. Thereby I’m involved in national and international studies and perform regular GCP trainings. I take care of patients in the outpatients clinic and perform OCT examinations.

Anida Muhic, study nurse
In 2018 I finished my education as a medical assistant and worked in internal medicine as well as in a surgical department. Since 2019 I at the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology and take care of patients in the outpatients clinic. I’m actively involved in national and international studies and perform regular GCP trainings.

Theresa Gruber, Medical Student
Since 2015, I am studying medicine. 2019 I started to work at the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology in order to write my doctoral thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. Kümpfel and Dr.Pellkofer. I study in detail the clinical characteristics and phenotypes of NMOSD and MOGAD patients at the Institute. In addition, we are analyze the effectiveness, safety and side effects of long-term therapies in both conditions.

Prof. Dr. med. Tania Kümpfel
I studied medicine at LMU and became neurologist in 2003. Main goal of my research is to improve care of patients with neuroimmunological diseases. Since more than 20 years I’m engaged in research of multiple sclerosis which I started in 1996 at the Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry (section of neurology) in Munich. After moving to the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology in 2001, I broadened my knowledge and experience in clinical neuroimmunology with focus on new therapies, prognosis, neuroimaging and biomarkers. Besides multiple sclerosis, I’am interested in research concerning neuromyelitis optica spectrum disease (NMOSD) and other autoantibody associated diseases of the central nervous system. I’m responsible for the outpatient clinic at the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology, for national and international studies at the institute. In addition, I’am actively involved in the MS registry of the German Multiple Sclerosis Society (DMSG) and Kompetenznetz Multiple Sklerose (KKNMS), as well as in the NEMOS (Neuromyelitis Optica study group) registry and in the GENERATE (GErman NEtwork for Research on AuToimmune Encephalitis) registry. Another focus of interest during the recent years became autoinflammatory syndromes and their potential contribution and mechanisms in inflammatory CNS disease.
Medical Education
1987 – 1993 Medical studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, clinical fellowships at the University of Calgary (department of neurology), Kanada and Blue Mountain hospital, NSW, Australia
1996 Medical license (Approbation), approval as a physician by the Bavarian State Medical Association
2003 Medical specialist neurology
2010 Habilitation (Priv.-Doz.)
2017 Associate professor, LMU Munich at the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology
Professional Activity
1994 – 1995 Department of Neurology, LMU Munich (AG Prof. H-W Pfister, neuroinfectiology)
1996 – 2000 Research fellow and assistant neurologist/psychiatrist at the Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry in the section of Neurology and Psychiatry, Munich
2001 – 2005 Resident at the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology, LMU, Munich
Since 2005 Senior neurologist/deputy at the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology, LMU, Munich
2006 “Habilitationsstipendium” LMU Munich
Since 2008 Member of the German Society of Neurology (DGN) and member of the German MS Society, since 2019 part of the “DGN-Kommission” Neuroimmunology
Since 2010 Part of the medical board of the “Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft”, DMSG
Since 2009 Coordinator of the neuromyelitis optica study group (NEMOS)
Since 2016 Part of the managing board of the “Kompetenznetz Multiple Sklerose” in Germany
Since 2018 leader of the outpatient clinic at the Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology
GCP-certified study physician, deputy and PI in numerous Phase II and Phase III therapy studies in multiple sclerosis
Active participation in national and international neurological and neuroimmunological congresses
Active participation in teaching at the Medical Faculty of the LMU Munich
Active memberships: German Society of Neurology (DGN), DMSG, NEMOS, GENERATE

We gratefully acknowledge support for our work by the following agencies:

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (funding code 01ZZ1603[A-D] and 01ZZ1804[A-H]) [2018-2021]

German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) for


NationNMO as part of the German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis

Novartis Pharma GmbH

Support for the EmBioproMS study
We gratefully acknowledge support for our work:
Collaboration Partners (selected)

PD Dr. A. Blaschek, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, LMU Hospital, Munich

Prof. Dr. A. Berthele, Neurology, TUM, Munich

Prof. Dr. Orhan Aktas, Departement of Neurology, University Hospital Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf,

Prof., Dr. Friedemann Paul, NeuroCure Clinical Research Center, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany

Prof. Dr. K. Hellwig, deutschsprachiges Multiple Sklerose und Kinderwunsch Register (DMSKW) Neurology, Ruhr-University, Bochum

Prof. Dr. I. Kleiter, Marianne-Strauß-Klinik Behandlungszentrum Kempfenhausen für Multiple Sklerose Kranke gemeinnützige GmbH
Collaboration Partners (selected)

Neuromyelitis optica Studiengruppe

German Network for Research of Autoimmune Encephalitis

Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Bundesverband e.V.

Klinisches Kompetenznetzwerk für Multiple Sklerose des BMBF
Prof. Dr. med. Tania Kümpfel